Total Riders


Kilometers Cycled


Total Teams


Calories Burned

56 / 44

% Female/Male


KGs of GHGs Saved

2017 Summary:

  • Workplace challenge winner: YG Department of Finance
  • School challenge winner: Whitehorse Elementary

Also thanks to the following workplaces and schools for participating:

  • CBC
  • City of Whitehorse
  • Ecole Emilie-Tremblay
  • F. H. Collins Secondary
  • Holy Family Elementary
  • Lackowicz & Hoffman
  • Les EssentiElles
  • Morrison Hershfield
  • NorthwesTel
  • Parks Canada
  • Stantec
  • The Salvation Army
  • Whitehorse Elementary
  • YG Community Services
  • YG Education
  • YG Energy Mines and Resources
  • YG Executive Council Office
  • YG Finance
  • YG Health and Social Services
  • YG Highways & Public Works
  • YG Justice
  • YG Tourism and Culture
  • Yukon Archives (Department of Tourism & Culture)
  • Yukon College
  • Yukon Conservation Society
  • Yukon Energy
  • Yukon Housing Corporation
  • Yukon Land Use Planning Council
  • Yukon Water Board Secretariat