
Active Commute Week is a City of Whitehorse community initiative dedicated to encouraging alternative modes of transportation, such as walking, cycling, rolling, and public transit, instead of driving solo.


Our Goal. We want to double the number of trips taken using active transportation or public transit by 2030 and support residents to be agents of that change.


By making a conscious effort to choose alternative modes of transportation, we can promote healthier lifestyles, reduce carbon emissions, and create a more vibrant community. Let us embrace the benefits of active transportation and work together to build a more sustainable and connected world.


Active Commute Week encourages participation with support stations, biking and walking workshops, a fun movie night, and by creating a community of volunteers and funding partners.


Active Commute Week is a relaunch of past similar events such as Bike to Work/School Week and YXY by Bike Week and builds on the commitment of past participants. To learn more about past events, visit Past Results.


 Need help getting started in Active Commute Week? Sign up for a virtual orientation.



  • Increase public confidence by informing and encouraging people of all ages and abilities to get started and use active transportation, public transit, and carpooling for more trips.
  • Increase road safety for all users by sweeping path surfaces, providing clear signage to help people find their way around, and building knowledge about traffic signs, lights, right-of-way rules, and travel etiquette.
  • Decrease Whitehorse GHG emissions and the number of per capita single occupancy vehicle commuters by decreasing vehicle congestion and increasing sustainable mode-share use.
  • Increase community participation and action by engaging and supporting a core volunteer base.
  • Increase health and wellness and decrease chronic illnesses by increasing physical activity and air quality.


Subscribe to our newsletter for updates. Send us your feedback at sustainability@whitehorse.ca. We want to hear from you!